Wednesday 24 September 2014

Infomation on the Film

These facts are vital to my learning and education , if you want to strieve these are vital .

The Uk box Office made £1.1 Billion in 2013.

£323 Million is made through on demand , which include things such as Netflix and Lovefilm.

There was a 2.1 Billion decrease in video (DVDs and Blu rays) dince 2013.

London makes the most money and has most people atend cinema mostly in this city , mostly due to the fact it is the capital . 

Despicable Me 2 was the most viewed film last yea , and made the most money in the boz office . 

I can conclude that my intellect has increased by a great amount due to the facts ,I have consumed this lesson.

By the very intelligent Character who is very  intellectual

Lloyd Evans 

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