Tuesday 30 September 2014

Swede ideas

Swede Ideas

Group choices
1. White Chicks 
2. Toy Story
3. The Lego movie 

The rundown above is the gatherings 3 starting thoughts. White Chicks was a thought just to begin us of conceptualizing for more thoughts. This thought didn't generally work in light of the fact that we all suspected that perhaps the motion picture has been over utilized and props would be more harder to discover we began experiencing different comedies yet we wound up intuition against in light of the fact that we either didn't have the props or some individuals in the gathering haven't seen it or loved it. So at last we took persuasion from the Avengers Assemble swede and concocted Toy Story and the Lego film. We chose to run with The Lego motion picture in light of the fact that we didn't have any toys to do Toy Story and two individuals in the gathering had Lego so we were situated in the props area .

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Five facts about the film industry

  • The most popular genre is Animation with 22% the second most popular was Action with 19% and comedy got 14% 

  • There are 162 millon copies of videos sold and sales have decreased by £2.1billlon since 2013

  • 3.4 billion viewings of films are on tv this includes netflix and love film

  • 12 A films are 46% of box office takings 

  • The highest number of admissions is august, january and december.


Infomation on the Film

These facts are vital to my learning and education , if you want to strieve these are vital .

The Uk box Office made £1.1 Billion in 2013.

£323 Million is made through on demand , which include things such as Netflix and Lovefilm.

There was a 2.1 Billion decrease in video (DVDs and Blu rays) dince 2013.

London makes the most money and has most people atend cinema mostly in this city , mostly due to the fact it is the capital . 

Despicable Me 2 was the most viewed film last yea , and made the most money in the boz office . 

I can conclude that my intellect has increased by a great amount due to the facts ,I have consumed this lesson.

By the very intelligent Character who is very  intellectual

Lloyd Evans 

5 facts about the film industry;

  • Most audiences go to the cinema during the weekend (59%)

  • The most popular genre in the film industry is Animation (22%) with Action trailing closely behind (19%)
  • Most UK audiences prefer USA films and most UK films are made by USA producers
  • Most of the audience visits the cinema with their families and friends
  • Most audiences are most likely, in London, to go to the cinema during August, January and December as these are the most popular times   with the most admissions.

5 Facts About the Film Industry

    • Orange Wednesday's have increased cinema addmissions for weekdays, with 13% of people attenting screenings on a wednesday.
    • Animation is the most watched genre of film, although action is the most produced.
    • Age classification 12A is the most watched classfication (42%) although most films produced are Aged 15.
    • London hosts the majority of cinema's in the uk. (25.5%)
    • 79% of films played in cinema's in 2013 were English language


    A Level Students who can't decide on what to write for our intro. The end....