Wednesday 5 November 2014

Key assignment 2: The Guardians Of The Galaxy

Researching Case Study 1:


The Guardians of the Galaxy film is produced by the very well known Kevin Feige. He is the president of Marvel Studios. The film was directed by James Gunn, another very well known director who has been recognized for some of his previous work such as Scooby Doo and Dawn of the dead. The budget for The Guardians Of The Galaxy was a very big budget at a whopping $170 million, as there are a lot of well known actors and actresses featured in this film such as: Vin Diesel, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and many more. The technology workers put an immense amount of effort into this film with all the special effects and computer graphics that were created. This was mainly in the action scenes where there were many cool lazer effects which added excite and thrill to the action packed scenes. The marketing techniques used for The Guardians Of The Galaxy ranged from free advertisement such as their Facebook Webpage, to film trailers on YouTube and cinema displays. They even advertised it in their previous movies for further hype build up. There where also posters on public transport such as buses for example.

There are many examples of synergy with other products and merchandise that Walt Disney prepared for The Guardians Of The Galaxy such as giving families a wonderful peek of the film at Disney World and an animated series for the younger viewers. The world premiere was held on July 21st 2014 at one of the most famous Hollywood theaters, Dolby. The film was released shortly after in the UK summer time on the 31st July and 1st August in America, becoming the most smashing hit of a release since G.I Joe: The Rise Of The Cobra.

There have been many different format releases for the film, for example 3D. Here is a quote directly from the director himself where he states "Unlike many directors, I've been actively involved with converting every shot to 3D, making sure it works perfectly for the story and the film, making sure it's spectacular and immersive without being silly, distracting, or overly showy." Other formats come in the form of IMAX 3D, DVD, Blu-Ray, On-demand and many more. It's quite difficult to put a specific target audience for this film as it ranges from all sorts of ages. The Guardians Of The Galaxy is a family friendly film that many people would be excited to watch. However, if we were to place a specific audience for this film, it would be those die-hard comic fans who are very involved in the comic-action genre and people who are into marvel and Disney. The wider target audience is most likely to be children as action and thrill is what appeals most to kids.

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