Tuesday 4 November 2014

Key assignment PT 1:film chain.

Part 1:Researching the film chain 


Production is the making process and this process a lot of planning goes into it. One of the first things that has to be sorted out before the movie is put into final edit and then sold in cinemas is finance an budget if none of that is done then the movie idea can’t be taken anywhere. Once that’s sorted out the producers start planning out the idea this involves scripting, casting, equipment, props and direction as soon as that’s done they can start filming and editing the product to be sold in cinema and ready to be promoted to the public. A list of the main film producers in America Steven Spielberg who is a well known director Walt Disney has been one of the top of producing companies for 43 years Jerry Bruckheimer Don Simpson Michael Mann James Cameron Steven Spielberg Spike Lee Tony Scott John Singleton Richard Donner Quentin Tarantino Martin Scorsese The ownership has an effect on the film chain and production because for example marvel movies have to be a certain age range of 12A and have to contain a certain amount of violence and language restriction being of the ownership of Disney. An independent production would have to find an independent distributor to form a deal and some how get half the money made. 

The networks of organisations get the products to the cinema and costumers for viewing and are in charge of disturbing the product to other viewing things. The producers are completely different from distributors and it’s usually another company that distributes the product. Take Guardian of the galaxy for example the producers are Marvel studios but the distributors are Disney and motion pictures. Traditional distribution would be DVD and stores like H&V, blockbusters and supermarkets that sell them. This way of distribution has been stopped or is rarely done because of more modern access to films and distribution. Newer ways of distribution would be sites like Netflix and love film where people can watch films in the comfort of their own space. Another example would illegal downloading or streaming from online sites and a more recent way would be getting movies on demand via sky resources. Film festivals exhibit up and coming movies and independent ones and it gives independent producers a chance to have their work in front of an audience and it gives other producers and directors a chance to have their work criticised and rated. Recently the Cannes film festival that took place and this was a chance for movies to be exhibit and promoted and give out awards to movies and one movie that won an award for best actor and was distributed by Entertainment One (uk) called Mr Turner and this movie is about an British painter called J.M.W Turner. Distribution dates are usually decided by when people are free i.e. summer holidays and they tend to look at when people are most likely to be on holiday or use seasonal days and event s for example the movie Horns got released on the 31st on October this was done because of Halloween and they knew that people would go out to watch the movie for the occasion. The movie wouldn’t really go anywhere because within the film chain most of the points rely on distributions to get the movie somewhere by getting the movie out there onto viewing channels. 

difference in language to cater for different countries


Marketing is advertising the product and interacting with people getting it publicity and more viewers within the target audience. Target audience would contain the core and wider audience. The use of free advertisements such as social media; facebook and twitter, an official website with more information and official trailers and posters, a Wikipedia page and IMbD page.  There are many ways in which a movie can advertised for instance a movie like how to train your dragon would be adverted to child by happy meal boxes. Another way would be on buses and billboards. However in other countries it’s different especially when their non- English speakingcountries posters and trailers have dubbed and changed to cater them.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw2AqdB5EVA

these are links of a well known movie the first link has been dubbed for non-english speakers and the other link is the orginal offical trailer.

One of the ways marketing is different is by advertisements for example these posters are different from each other in language because countries. The poster on the left is from an Asian/ oriental country and the one on the right are from America or England. 

People view films by online downloading or streaming, demand and sites such as: love film, Netflix and Blink box or viewing the film at the cinema. The box office is the amount of views and the money the producers and distributors receive and this is important because it allows the marketers and distributors work out how successful the movie was. By receiving box office return they could know how many people went to view the film and they can determine whether it was because of certain problems in date of release or whether it was just the movie itself. The distributors get most of the money because they were the ones that got the product there onto viewing channels. Cinemas make their money by selling refreshments like popcorn and drinks they also encourage people to go instead of watching movies at home by getting movies in 3D or IMAX. By doing exclusive release and special deals for instance orange Wednesday and winning free tickets. The Ancillary market is a non-theatrical market for feature films and is a place where you can watch films before or after ther release. Examples of the ancillary market is dvd's,digital formats,blu-ray and cable-sky.
The BFI stands for ‘British Film Institute’ and this is a charitable organisation established by Royal Charter. The BFI is to encourage the development of the arts of film and television and the moving picture all throughout UK. It encourages them and may help during distribution of films. Or by probably holding red carpets and press releases for films to give them publicity.

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